Fraternal Centers of Light

The fraternal aspect of the Master’s teaching is realized in Centers of Light throughout the world.

Here are some of those centers.

Centers of Light

Everywhere you go, you should do everything possible to create these centers of light by means of which the earth enters into contact with heaven. To establish such centers is the most glorious work you can undertake, helping all human souls to receive spiritual nourishment and joy as a result of your efforts.

Daily Meditation, January 4, 2017

Living in Harmony

If some people do not want to make the effort to be in harmony with others, it is because they fear being absorbed by the community. No, every person is a separate individual, but while still maintaining their own character, their particular way of being, they must work for unity. Look at the cells of the body: they are not identical, and they do not fulfil the same functions. A cell of the heart is not a cell of the stomach; each retains its individual nature. But the similarities and connections between them create a state of harmony we call health. 

Is this so difficult to understand? We do not have to ask a black person to become white, a Muslim or a Buddhist to become a Christian. In the past, Christianity sent missionaries to convert people all over the world, and with what violent and tragic consequences! All believers, like all human beings, must keep their particular characteristics, their differences, but at the same time establish fraternal links, through which they create unity.

Daily Meditation, March 30, 2014

​The Fraternal Centers of Light, including the Fraternal Forum, are linked to the Universal White Brotherhood, which is a spiritual movement based on the teaching of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900-1986). Its origin is the White Brotherhood, which was founded in 1900 in Bulgaria by Peter Deunov (1864-1944) and which has since 1997 received official recognition from the Bulgarian authorities (decree KB-15 of the Directorate of Religions of the Council of Ministers).

Broadly speaking, the Universal White Brotherhood corresponds to the Brotherhood of the Great Spiritual Masters who have given and continue to give humanity the highest impulses, creating civilizations, religions and cultures. Among the Masters of the past closest to us are, for example: in India, Krishna and Buddha; in Persia, Zoroaster; in Greece, Orpheus and Pythagoras; in Egypt, Thoth, and Hermes; in Judea, Moses and Jesus; and many others, known and unknown, who appear throughout history and constitute the authentic elite of humanity, constantly watching over us and helping us. These great spiritual Masters inspire and support the larger Brotherhood of Saints, sages, prophets, martyrs, initiates and geniuses of all countries and all times.

Nourishing an Egregor

When a certain number of people come together around an idea, their thoughts and desires alone create a living reality. This is a law of the spiritual world. And even if this reality is not made up of particles that are sufficiently material to be seen or touched, it exists, and we call this collective entity an egregor. An egregor is a living and active entity, and each country, each religion and each philosophical movement has one. 

The Universal White Brotherhood also has its egregor, and all its members, the brothers and sisters who gather together with the same ideal of peace and light, never stop nourishing and strengthening it. Not only can it then have a positive influence on other egregors in the world, but most of all, it contributes to the evolution of those who have worked to create it.

Daily Meditation, September 29, 2017