Welcome to the Fraternal Forum
A Center of Light in the United States of America

What makes beings great is not
the extent of their knowledge,
but their goodness, their light, their love.
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Thanks for stopping by. We sincerely appreciate your presence as there’s a good chance we have something just for you.
This website revolves around the beginning of an epic journey towards the discovery of ourselves and the purpose of our life on earth.
Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov came to serve humanity, paving the way for the “Golden Age”, where we will be focused on returning to our sacred center, where soul and spirit shine, where we learn to live as one great human family in harmony, peace and light.
His life stands in stark contrast to the chaotic world we live in today. But guess what? He’d be the first to tell you that every human being can tap into the same level of love, wisdom and truth if they’re genuinely hungry for it and are willing to put in the necessary effort.
Feel free to dive into the site and explore to your heart’s content. Oh, and do not hesitate to reach out if you wish to connect. We love to hear from you.
The Fraternal Forum team
Quotes from the Master will show in boxes such as this throughout the site:
If you like, you can subscribe to daily inspirational meditations, which are excerpts from the Master’s talks. You can discontinue the subscription at any time. A link is included in each mailing.
Each day’s inspiration is also displayed here on this site.
The daily meditation is provided here through the kind provision of Prosveta-USA, where the Master’s transcribed talks are also available in book form. Our “Books” page contains descriptions about and links to all of the Master’s books, each of which is a logical collection of talks, throwing light on how the Universe truly works, and the parts that we play in Creation.
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