Spiritual Practices

The Yoga of Nutrition (Hrani Yoga)

Before each meal, we sing and meditate so that we are ready to harmonize with the life God has put into the food, in this way achieving true communion. Then we say a formula given by the Master, which we repeat at the end of the meal. It is in Bulgarian: 

“BOJIATA LUBOV RAZRECHAVA VSITCHKITE PROBLEMI”, which means ‘The love of God solves all problems’.

To eat is to introduce into one’s organism materials which will enter not only into the construction of our physical body, but also into the construction of our subtle bodies. So this act, which we repeat every day, several times a day, is especially important to perform in a state of peace and harmony, eating in silence

But simply not making noise and being silent is not enough, because even in silence we can eat while constantly chatting inwardly: we brood over worries and grudges and thus do not do a good job on ourselves. Silence is a condition that prepares the ground for our inner work, for our meditation on the infinite goodness of God who has put so many blessings into food. Food contains forces, materials that come not only from the earth, but from the sun and the entire universe. They come to us filled with cosmic life, and it is important to receive them with the awareness that they will form the substance of our physical and psychic bodies. We must therefore be very vigilant, especially since this food, which has become impregnated with universal life, is also impregnated with our words, our feelings and our thoughts.

Nutrition is a profound process

We will teach people that nutrition is not as simple, ordinary or boring a process as they think. Behind the daily act of eating, God has hidden the possibility for each one of us to do a psychic work of the highest importance, because nutrition concerns the whole of a human being… In reality, nutrition must be understood as a work of the spirit on matter.

Complete Works No 16, “Hrani Yoga – The Alchemical and Magical Meaning of Nutrition”

That is why we eat in silence, without making noise with the dishes or cutlery…

Welcome silence

We must not be afraid of silence, but abandon ourselves to it like a child in the arms of its mother.

Complete Works No 16, “Hrani Yoga – The Alchemical and Magical Meaning of Nutrition”

The meeting hall at the Bonfin, France.

The Importance of Fasting

The Teaching advises fasting once a week. At most fraternal centers and at home, brothers and sisters fast from midday on Thursday to midday on Friday. In other words, two meals are skipped: the Thursday dinner and Friday breakfast. We also observe this practice during the spiritual retreats.