Prácticas espirituales

Sunrise Meditation

Yoga of the Sun (Surya Yoga)


The sun is the best representation of Christ with its light, warmth and life. When we learn to contemplate the sun, we come closer to our Divinity.

Finding the Sun Within

Each morning when we come to the sunrise, wishing to contemplate the sun, to fuse with it and draw energy from it, we leave the periphery and return to the source in peace, light, freedom and in union with God. The sun is the center of the solar system, and all the planets revolve around it in a harmonious movement. We must imprint the planets’ harmonious movement around the sun in our own cells. But for this we also have to find our own center—the sun, the spirit, God.

Complete Works Vol. 10, The Splendour of Tiphareth: The Yoga of the Sun

At fraternal centers, the day begins with this special moment when we come together at the place designated for attending the sunrise. We sit down very quietly. We are careful not to disturb the meditation of those already seated.

Breathing’s Spiritual Dimension

Breathing reveals great mysteries to those who know how to accompany it with thought. Here is an exercise you can do. When you breathe in, imagine that all the currents in space are converging in you, towards your ‘I’ which is like an imperceptible point, the center of an infinite circle. Then, when you breathe out, imagine you are able to expand outward toward the periphery of this circle, to the end of the universe. Once again, you contract and you expand outwards. You will discover this ebb and flow that is the key to all rhythms in the universe. In becoming aware of this movement, you will enter into this cosmic harmony, and exchanges will take place between you and the universe: when breathing in you receive elements from space, and in return, when breathing out you project something of your heart and soul. The day you understand breathing in its spiritual dimension, you will want to dedicate your entire life to breathing in the light of God and then sending this light out again to all living beings.

Brochure B303, Respiration – Spiritual Dimensions and Practical Applications

(There is a description of the alternate nostril breathing exercises in Complete Works No 13, “A New Earth”)

Meditation and prayer

Among the proposed meditation methods, the concentration of all participants on the light is the most suitable for achieving spiritual unity. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov insisted on the fact that collective meditation can produce beneficial effects beyond the assembly. Meditation and prayer are at the heart of all our spiritual practices.

Concentrating our energies

Instead of scattering and wasting our energies by concentrating on different subjects, we would do much better to concentrate on light so as to produce one, powerful vibration. And when we do this exercise, we can picture the light of the sun: brilliantly white, dazzling and transparent, and if we do it, as I have explained, to the rhythm of our breathing, we shall be generating tremendous spiritual energy and awakening the consciences of millions of individuals in the world, so that human beings begin to work for the peace and happiness of humankind.

Izvor No. 212, “Light is a Living Spirit”

Spoken prayer

Prayer is the human impulse to turn to Heaven, to God… The spoken word is very important as an aid for this, for the vibrations of sound have great power over matter.

Brochure No. 305, “Prayer”

Bind yourself to light

When we are gathered together in silence, leave all cares to one side and concentrate on light, as though everything, your very life depended on it. Think of it as though you were living your last moments and light is the only thing that can save you. Bind yourself to light – cling to it. Nothing else matters. There is no exercise more marvelous than this.

Complete Works No. 30, “Life and Work in an Initiatic School”