Spiritual Practices

Singing and Music

At the beginning of our meetings, we listen to short excerpts of sacred music. The Master favored vocal music, masses, oratorios, requiems, as well as instrumental music.

Using music with your ideal

Everyone should make the effort to sing, even those who sing out of tune, since it is a way of working on oneself. When we sing, something powerful is set in motion physiologically from throat to diaphragm: the voice rings out, and little by little we feel relieved of inner tensions and heaviness.

What do we know about angels? We picture them as winged creatures that sing. Like birds. We associate angels and birds with the idea of lightness and flight but also song. Just thinking of this should make us want to sing to free ourselves from everything that weighs us down. Humans could cure themselves of so many mental problems through singing! For the vibrations of the voice also have the power to break up dark presences that try to cling to us. Singing is an expression of life; life itself is nothing but song. And what could be more necessary and more invigorating than tearing ourselves away from the heavy atmosphere that surrounds us and soaring to realms where everything is harmonious, luminous and weightless?

Daily Meditation October 7, 1024

This is an excerpt from: Chorale Videlina, 8.07.2019,
Bulgarie – Plovdiv, found on the Hristo Vatev Youtube channel.

Full concert link:

Music and the subtle bodies

Music is a language of creation. Since the dawn of time, this language has reverberated throughout the cosmos: God’s wisdom, love and beauty manifest through it. From an initiatic point of view, music requires knowledge of the order of the world, of beings and things, and of the science of harmonic relationships which exist throughout the universe between microcosm (human beings) and macrocosm (the universe). It rests on immutable principles which we cannot transgress without losing our way. Music speaks to us of our celestial heritage, and by acting on our subtle bodies it enables us to re-establish contact with our true home on high.

Daily Meditation, October 29, 2016

Singing and the subtle bodies

The Master indicated on several occasions that the vibrations of the songs of the Brotherhood (composed by Peter Deunov) act on certain spiritual centers of the human being. These songs can make our subtle bodies vibrate, set the chakras in motion and connect us to the most sublime entities.

Choral Music
Three Choral Performances by the Zürich Group

1) Sila zdrave e bogatstvo

2) Tăgi, skărbi

3) Vehadi

Music, in all its forms, holds an important place in our fraternal life. Everyone participates, each at his or her own level, including those with no musical training. The mystical songs of Master Peter Deunov are sung by the general choir before each meal, with a view to strengthening the harmony necessary for our spiritual work. Singing practices take place regularly, so that everyone can participate in this beautiful work. A sisters’ choir and a brothers’ choir also present specially prepared songs, and all are invited to take part, according to their vocal range. Accuracy is the basis of musical expression, but the magic of our songs is found above all in the art of singing with enthusiasm in unity and harmony.

After each song, a moment of silence is respected in order to support the vibrations of the song with thought:

Music nourishes brotherhood

After the songs, you distribute your thoughts as luminous forces; they will be collected above by those who know of our existence, who know what we are doing, and they will help us to distribute these thoughts to thousands of souls who find themselves plunged into suffering for lack of light and knowledge.

When you come together to sing, you wield tremendous magical power for good, but you must never forget that all power is based on harmony and unity. Remember that you must form a family. Leave aside all consideration of your different characters and tendencies, all the differences in your degree of evolution, social background or profession. Forget about all that, for none of it really matters, none of it makes any difference in the spiritual life. Strengthen your conviction in your hearts that you all belong to the Universal White Brotherhood and that, as members of this brotherhood, you are singing together in order to awaken consciousnesses throughout the world. If you do this, then indeed, you will be truly powerful

Izvor No. 223, “Creation: Artistic and Spiritual”