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Everyone can use some guidelines. They can keep you from making unnecessary mistakes.
Did you know?
1) Human beings have several bodies.
2) Each one needs to be fed.
How you harness and use energy reveals your level of life understanding and creativity.
The laws of cause and effect are active with every breath you take. Put them to use for your benefit.
Clues are left everywhere for us to discover and use!
Knowing how you’re constructed allows you to see where you fit into life and improve yours.
Magic is a large part of our daily lives. Can we use it for the betterment of the world?
Many things said to be inanimate actually carry the life of the Creator within them.
Find out how this giant time piece is both personal and universal.
The Master emphasized over and over again that our survival as a species depends on understanding the two natures within every human being.
Creation is inherently harmonious. Good health results when we harmonize with Her.
Polarity is a foundation of our lives on Earth. To understand it and to find balance is essential to our well-being.
Work on developing wisdom and love. Truth will become self-evident.
The Master sheds light on a book that on it’s surface can be very confusing. As with all of his teachings, the descriptions are simple and clear.
There is a hierarchy in creation, and once understood, it can be both awe inspiring and comforting.
No matter how much you strive and learn in your life, keep love as the light by which you navigate.
The initiatic tradition has spanned many civilizations. See how these celebrations have been passed along and come to us in this time.
Everyone knows that our future world will be created by today’s youth. Here’s a guide book to help you make the most of it.
Here are more insights into polarity. The Master describes creation from different angles, so that each viewpoint is without complication.
Your life is a spiritual creation that you work on from your first breath.
You will find new interpretations of the Gospels here, in the Master’s clear and simple style.
We reap what we sow. Learn here how to sow happiness for yourself and for others.
Before we can know something, we take it on faith. Faith is the bridge to knowing.
Why is freedom so loved by humans? Because it is the natural state of our spirit.
“A mother can have a beneficial influence on her child in the womb through the harmony of her thoughts, feelings and acts.”
Intuition, Clairvoyance, Dreams
If you think about it, the invisible has a far greater influence on your life than the visible.
Have you heard the term “Sacred Geometry”? It refers to the underlying structure of life.
It is the fate of forms to come and go, but each form is an outgrowth of an eternal truth and spirit.
A sage incarnates to live a life of example, to help you find your lource. His laughter shows where freedom lies.
‘Sons and daughters of God are brothers and sisters in the human family.’
The topic of polarity and the need to understand it appears over and over in the Master’s talks. It is the foundation of our lives.
Why are Masters known for living in joy and transmitting joy to those they meet?
Jesus was the first spiritual Master to become known to us in western civilization. A Master leads by example.
If you had something wondrous and valuable to communicate to someone within a very short time, how would you present it?
Alchemy is initiatic science cloaked in symbolism. In the time it was created, the symbolism helped safeguard initiates’ lives.
aura, solar plexus,
Human evolution allows for the gradual development of our senses: five, so far, with three more to come.
Isn’t it puzzling that two elements can be used by us every day, yet be so vast as to be unfathomable?
When we incarnate, part of our Higher Self stays behind, watching out for us, hoping we remember to stay in touch.
When many people give thought to the same concept, it creates a collective energy more likely to manifest in our lives.
Silence allows your Higher Self to contact you. Called the still small voice, it cannot be heard amid the noise and activity we are usually immersed in.
in the Gospels and in Alchemy
A term from the field of alchemy, telling us that there is a stone we can create that will heal and harmonize our life at every level.
Divisions give us vast varieties of experience, but only by living in oneness can we create peace and harmony.
We all have a journey to make as human beings. It is only light that enables us to see our path.
Given some consideration, it becomes obvious that everything we experience is only possible thanks to the sun.