Colección de Obras Completas

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Aspectos de la ciencia esotérica. (Solo inglés.)

¿Te sorprende que estos temas aparentemente desconectados se unan en el Ser Humano?

Kindle Edition

El Significado Alquímico y Mágico de la Nutrición

Verdaderamente, Omraam ha arrojado una Luz sobre la nutrición que nunca antes había sido considerada por la cultura occidental. Es probable que sea un presagio de la Edad de oro.

Kindle Edition

El amor y la sexualidad

¿Hay algún tema que interese más a los seres humanos? Quizás puedas objetar: ¡son dos temas! Puede que te sorprendas al descubrir que es una sola energía, expresándose a través de nosotros, llevándonos de regreso a nuestra Fuente.

Kindle Edition

Part 2

Como la electricidad, que puede alimentar una luz, un motor, una estufa... El amor se expresa a través de nuestro cuerpo, nuestras emociones, nuestra mente y nuestra alma, con más expresiones aún por venir.
Se podría decir que estamos en el pre-escolar de la expresión del amor. Puedes leer y descubrir cuánto queda por revelar.

Kindle Edition

El Yoga del Sol

No es necesario pensar demasiado para reconocer que le debemos nuestra vida al Sol. Una vez que reconocemos esa verdad, un poco de apreciación es necesario. Cuánto, depende de ti. La perspectiva te dará una idea.
Sin embargo, se abre un nivel completamente nuevo cuando te das cuenta de que tu Chispa Divina es el Sol de tu pequeño universo. little universe.

Kindle Edition

Métodos, Ejercicios, Fórmulas y Oraciones

The Change El Cambio en el que estamos marca el fin del dogma. La Chispa Divina, que es el Verdadero Tú, tiene todo lo que necesitas, pero tu vida en el cuerpo a nublado la comunicación. En este libro, Omraam te ha dejado un vasto buffet de formas para ayudarte a obtener una señal clara.

Kindle Edition

from the
Initiatic Point of View

The halls of learning throughout the world must begin to teach how a soul can know itself and find fulfillment and freedom.

Kindle Edition

Many think moral rules were created by humans to keep humans under control, but are there moral laws inherent in Creation that transcend human law?

Kindle Edition

The Cabbalistic Tradition

Omraam often pointed out where his present talk fit within the Cabbalah. He felt the Caballah came the closest to reflecting Creation’s hierarchy and beauty.

Kindle Edition

Harmony may be the easiest way to feel your part in Creation, since one harmonic avenue is music: so accessible, not requiring thought.

Kindle Edition

Foundations of
the Spiritual Life

Discover the essence of a pure life with Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov’s Teaching on Yesod, the foundation of the spiritual path as represented in the Tree of Life. The book brings ancient wisdom to the modern era, offering practical guidance and exercises to unleash the divine within.

Kindle Edition

to the Problems of Existence

Existence could be described as an infinite being incarnating into a finite world. Besides being an Awe-inspiring gift for each of us, it also appears obvious that we might have a few issues to resolve.

Kindle Edition

El amor y la sexualidad

Knowing yourself is the western form of the Path of Knowledge or Jnana Yoga. There are not always direct correlations between Yoga and Initiatic Science, but this is one area with substantial common ground.

Kindle Edition

Part 2

The talks for this subject comprise enough information for two volumes. They speak to our makeup, function and purpose in the world, and our eventual Self-realization.

Kindle Edition

Training for the Divine
El amor y la sexualidad

Up until recently, our society believed life fulfillment came from each person “getting their own”, but these age-old teachings have long professed that we are one family, and it is synergy that awakens our Spirit.

Kindle Edition

‘The Sages have always said that the only thing that is essential is life itself, and that we must protect, purify and sanctify it and eliminate whatever may hinder or prevent it from developing. And, if we do so, life will give us everything else: health, strength, power, intelligence and beauty – everything!’

Kindle Edition

Love Wisdom Truth

When we enter the body as a baby, we have a highly sophisticated vehicle at our disposal. Our training begins immediately and it takes us quite a few years to get the hang of it. At the end of our apprenticeship, we are meant to put it all in the service of our God Spark. That would be our Second Birth.

Kindle Edition

The idea behind alchemy is to change one thing into something else. Back in the day, the alchemical secret was said to be about changing lead into gold. The real truth behind that lead-to-gold diversion is what you’ll find in the Teachings left to us by Omraam: learn how to change the lead of unorganized and conflicting thoughts and feelings into the Gold of alignment with your God Spark.

Kindle Edition

Society and Politics
in the Light
of Initiatic Science
El amor y la sexualidad

The Spirit behind Omraam incarnated to rephrase the Initiatic Teachings using terms that those living now would be able to understand. This is the way that the Teachings have always been handed down. We have the added significance of having them here to help us usher in the Golden Age.

Kindle Edition

Society and Politics
in the Light
of Initiatic Science
Part 2

We are entering a time of major Change for our species that will likely take several generations to establish itself. It will be slow in coming because it is an evolutionary step. You can serve the process if you choose to. It’s probably why you incarnated at this time.

Kindle Edition